Sunday, October 19, 2014

It's always the teachers fault.

The above graphic has become a more frequent occurrence in my life.  Progress reports were just released and I received quite a few responses from parents indicating that their student was failing (they were) but my class was the only course in which they had the issue.  Now after conducting my own research I found out that was not true, but my main concern is what happened to parents talking to their child and asking them WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE CLASSROOM?  Teachers get so much  kickback about grades, but when asked they have not said ANYTHING to their child.  It makes me angry.

My school has such a problem with 9th grader's academic success that they are trying to put measures in place now so students will not be held back at the end of the year.  I have been told that the problem is our feeder school, the students are graded on completion and not accuracy.  Or they are graded on behavior and not academic proficiency at all.

I do think teacher should be held accountable for their grades and students, but I just want and think parents redirect their misguided rage to their child.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


In my school we have started the first of many testing seasons.  Testing has become such a standard in the school that we have training about how to properly test our students.  Teachers must be alert and walk around the room a minimum of every 15 minutes.  We cannot bring electronic devices, papers to grade, or reading material.  We must stay focused as children complete a minimum of 3 hour long tests.  On Monday we tested Algebra, classes were frozen and I was testing.  We tested from 8-12:30.  I received a 30 minute lunch break and then was expected to teach an AP Biology class. Yesterday, I didn't test however during my planning period 2 classes was sent to my classroom to be held until their teachers were finished testing.  No one asked or said a thing.  I guess I was taking one for the team.  Now today is Wednesday, again I am testing. We just wrapped up Biology testing, another 3 hour test.  Testing is draining to both teachers and students exactly what do they expect us to be able to do with these students for the remainder of the day.  I understand the purpose behind state mandated standardized testing, but the amount of time spent testing throughout the school year completely disrupts the calendar.  Additionally, most students don't seem to care about the test after they have passed the class.  In my state they are now tying test scores to evaluations which means job security.  There has to be a better way to measure student achievement.  Sorry for the babbling. I just really hate testing!!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Sometimes Teaching Sucks!

My school day begins at 7:15 am.  That is the time we are required to be in the building preparing for the school day.  Most days I get her around 6:30 am.  This morning I come into work set up my laptop and start grading papers.  In class we are working on scientific measurement (metric conversion, scientific notation and reading a graduated cylinder.) In our curriculum guide this lesson is suppose to span one period (90 minutes). It is essentially a review lesson from concepts learned in previous science classes.  Clearly my students' previous teachers did not get the memo because these kids have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what I am talking about.  Today will be the third class period 4.5 hours of teaching scientific measurement.  They have had notes, classwork, homework and more notes.  Before I posted this I was grading another assignment and the average score was 25/100.  What more can I do?  I am already behind in the curriculum and have already attempted to reteach.  Do you ever stop reteaching?  Do you just say the kids just aren't going to get this concept?  Who is the person who EVER told students to not ask questions or raise their hands when they don't understand.  I want to find that person and kick him in the chins.  The bell has just rung.  Time to teach one more class of scientific measurement. Have a great day all!