Wednesday, October 8, 2014


In my school we have started the first of many testing seasons.  Testing has become such a standard in the school that we have training about how to properly test our students.  Teachers must be alert and walk around the room a minimum of every 15 minutes.  We cannot bring electronic devices, papers to grade, or reading material.  We must stay focused as children complete a minimum of 3 hour long tests.  On Monday we tested Algebra, classes were frozen and I was testing.  We tested from 8-12:30.  I received a 30 minute lunch break and then was expected to teach an AP Biology class. Yesterday, I didn't test however during my planning period 2 classes was sent to my classroom to be held until their teachers were finished testing.  No one asked or said a thing.  I guess I was taking one for the team.  Now today is Wednesday, again I am testing. We just wrapped up Biology testing, another 3 hour test.  Testing is draining to both teachers and students exactly what do they expect us to be able to do with these students for the remainder of the day.  I understand the purpose behind state mandated standardized testing, but the amount of time spent testing throughout the school year completely disrupts the calendar.  Additionally, most students don't seem to care about the test after they have passed the class.  In my state they are now tying test scores to evaluations which means job security.  There has to be a better way to measure student achievement.  Sorry for the babbling. I just really hate testing!!


  1. Tauheedah, Have you ever thought of applying for DoDEA? Currently, we do testing in March (3 days of Terra Nova). We do not do any other mandated testing in the middle school. I say CURRENTLY because there is talk about more data in our schools and I fear we may be leaning towards some of the ridiculous stateside methods. BUT, I don't envision it happening any time soon. Teaching in DoDEA is a dream. If you don't mind living overseas, it's the BEST TEACHING JOB EVER! Good pay. Free housing. Resources. Respectful students. I taught stateside for five years and now am in my fifth year with DoDEA. I let my FL certificate expire. I will never teach in the states again. I can give you more information if you're interested. My school exhausted the stateside list for a science teacher hire this year and we have a local hire being pushed through on emergency certification.

  2. Yes, I feel you! So much testing! And now we have to score our own tests at my school instead of the computer so it is even more time consuming.....

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I was just talking with the administration at my school about testing. Everyone seems to share in the frustration and so much testing it just doesn't seem right at all. For the teachers and most importantly the students. I am preparing to test students for the next two weeks for their reading program. Then, students have to immediately prepare for district and statewide tests the weeks following. There is no break for them!
