Monday, September 29, 2014

Things NEVER go as planned...

Have you ever planned something? I mean planned something so well that you have contingency plans for your contingency plans.  Looked over your plan so much that you had mental picture of the way you wanted the event to progress.  Yep me too, beautifully planned events, lessons, goals, or whatever else you mind has decided needed to be planned.  All of that planning just for EVERYTHING to go wrong.  Your wonderfully made lesson plan even your best students have the "what is she talking about face?" Your perfectly planned event doesn't go along smoothly because the cater has a stomach virus, the DJ partied too hard the night before, and the groom is missing.  Or how about that goal that you preplanned and planned only to start things in motion only for life to happen. Well that is my existence right now in this very moment.

I just moved back home to my mom's house.   I have literally been planning this move since January.  Nine months before my lease was set to expire.  Well moving day has arrived and of course my movers have other engagements to attend.  My mom who has been cleaning out her basement since January suddenly has 3849487 more boxes to pack.  My kids both decide to be brats and the carpet cleaner guy just called to say can he come early because his schedule changed.  Let's not forget my assignments for school are due tomorrow oh and progress report grades are due as well.

Now as I sit here still stressed out with a bit of headache from. I am trying to focus on my goal of purchasing my own house so that I press through and forward.  Sometimes it is necessary to take steps back in order to leap forward.  I am learning that plans are meant to be broken and being flexible and open to change is the only way to enjoy this thing called life.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Maybe it's not too hard to do...

Things have been so crazy in my life that this is really the first second of the day that I have to myself and I am dedicating it to this blog before I attempt to pack some more stuff (I am moving Saturday). When I saw that we were going to be required to maintain a blog, I groaned and whined like I mentioned in my discussion area response I truly understand the benefits of blogging but it seems after a while to become too tedious and time consuming to keep up with it.  However, signing on to was one of the easiest experiences I have had with web based technology.  I simply hit sign up through blogger and was pulled up to my home page. At first I was confused (probably because I wasn't focused), but once I got back on and hit create a blog I was allowed to pick the name of my blog as well as the blog's domain.  I even misspelled the blog's domain name and was SUPER easy finding it and changing the extra letter.  So far, so good...I am looking forward to the next few weeks.  Have a great week all!
