Monday, September 29, 2014

Things NEVER go as planned...

Have you ever planned something? I mean planned something so well that you have contingency plans for your contingency plans.  Looked over your plan so much that you had mental picture of the way you wanted the event to progress.  Yep me too, beautifully planned events, lessons, goals, or whatever else you mind has decided needed to be planned.  All of that planning just for EVERYTHING to go wrong.  Your wonderfully made lesson plan even your best students have the "what is she talking about face?" Your perfectly planned event doesn't go along smoothly because the cater has a stomach virus, the DJ partied too hard the night before, and the groom is missing.  Or how about that goal that you preplanned and planned only to start things in motion only for life to happen. Well that is my existence right now in this very moment.

I just moved back home to my mom's house.   I have literally been planning this move since January.  Nine months before my lease was set to expire.  Well moving day has arrived and of course my movers have other engagements to attend.  My mom who has been cleaning out her basement since January suddenly has 3849487 more boxes to pack.  My kids both decide to be brats and the carpet cleaner guy just called to say can he come early because his schedule changed.  Let's not forget my assignments for school are due tomorrow oh and progress report grades are due as well.

Now as I sit here still stressed out with a bit of headache from. I am trying to focus on my goal of purchasing my own house so that I press through and forward.  Sometimes it is necessary to take steps back in order to leap forward.  I am learning that plans are meant to be broken and being flexible and open to change is the only way to enjoy this thing called life.


  1. Hi Tauheedah, I'm sorry that you are going through so much stress. I can relate, but things are settling so I'm starting to catch my breath. I just moved... literally moved from military satellite housing where I had American amenities and an American dumpster to a Japanese house. When I moved in, I realized that my car didn't fit in the parking spot (too big). Recycling in Japan is insane (literally they give you a catalogue about 20 pages with instructions for the recycling). Each day is a different pick-up (plastics tomorrow, burnables T & F, paper only 2x a month, metals once...) but as I was unpacking I found thousands of unwanted things, but you can't exactly just throw it away because of the days of the week (and no idea when glassware - not bottles - can go out). So I needed to take gobs of trash to base to use the dumpsters, but without my car, I couldn't very well lug black bags brimming with crap through the military gate. Yes, it was a hassle! But - surprise, surprise - a coworker totaled her car, she wanted a large car. Then another coworker was selling a Honda Fit... Now I have a car that fits and I'm getting the hang of the trash schedule and I have the means to take the unknowns to base. But like you, all these other things are still stressing me out: lessons, sixth graders, a sprained ankle last Wednesday, I'm behind on my grades and I'm sort of confused with this class (although I did appreciate today's update from the Professor). Anyhow, stay calm. It will come together, but I'm sorry you're on more overload than normal. Andrea

  2. Seems like everything is falling into place with the move. I applaud you. I have NO IDEA what I would do or how I would cope to be taken so far out of my comfort zone. A manual for recycling...yea I wouldn't recycle (sorry earth). I had to catch up on my grades because progress reports were due, hopefully you will catch a break soon. Good luck catching up on everything.

  3. Yes moving is the most stressful thing in life!!!! Hope things have settled down for you. I too have been in a spin lately!! However, a sick child today - who is much better after sleeping in has allowed me to catch up on things. Hang in there!!!
    Try this site to help you deal with stress.

    Or maybe this!!

  4. Sorry you are having a tough time moving! I know all about this! I did my wedding in Florida, honeymoon in Antigua, and move to Maryland all in two weeks. I don't recommend this ever!!! At least the moving is all local, I think....Deep breaths!!!

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